Leather Gallery Furniture Shops Pretoria East | The Grove
Telephone: 012 941 2289
Email: grove(at)
The Grove Mall, Simon Vermooten Rd, Equestria, Pretoria, Shop U40B
Business Hours
Monday - Friday : 9AM - 7PM
Saturday : 9AM - 6PM
Sunday : 9AM - 5PM
Our Grove store offers a wide range of luxury furniture and décor styles.
We pride ourselves on authenticity – offering quality craftsmanship and original design attained from renowned local and international artisans and creators.
Our Leather Gallery stores are the epitome of luxury and class. Featuring sleek white marble floors and a bright, open atmosphere,our customers feel a sense of calmness when entering our stores. Experience the beauty and comfort of our wide collection of home furniture and décor when browsing through our stores. Our friendly sales assistants are well-informed of the current trends in design and styling, and can assist you in finding the perfect furniture pieces to complete your home.
If online shopping is more your style then our online store is the ideal way for you to shop our array of luxurious furniture and décor pieces. Our online store serves as a virtual extension of our shops,offering our entire collection to customers nationwide!